BulletProof FTP Server (c) Gene6 SARL. used under license by BulletProof Software Ltd.
Development: Gene6 SARL. (www.gene6.com)
Marketing and Retailing: BulletProof FTP Ltd. (www.bpftp.com)
Version 2.15
Dated : 06/05/2001
WWWeb : http://www.bpftpserver.com/
Email : support@bpftpserver.com
x Fixed, + Added, * Improved/Changed, ! Security related fix, i Information
Version 2.15 BulletProof FTP Server - 06-May-2001
x : Intermittent "connection reset" problem when uploading/downloading.
x : Minor fixes & cosmetics changes.
+ : Command lines switches that can be specified when an instance is running :
-reload : reload user accounts (users.ini)
-offline : put the server offline
-online : put the server online
-exit : application shutdown
-open : open the server to new connection if it was closed
-close : close the server from new connection
-stat : takes the file "stat.mdl" from the server installation directory which contains tags (%CNOW ...) and produces a file "stat.top" containing tags replaced by their value
-startlogging : start logging to file
-stoplogging : stop logging to file
-kickall : disconnect all users currently connected to the server
+ : Explicit message for LIST command without port specified with PORT command.
+ : "Explorer menu" for Hitometer window.
* : Removed Ctrl+Z for about windows, not used.
* : Some part of the internal path handling (faster) and replies to some ftp commands.
* : Removed Server name in STAT command.
* : PASV listening socket is not closed after a failed RETR (file not existing, access denied), allowing applications like Internet Explorer to reuse the same port (specified by PASV command) for a new RETR/LIST try.
Connection refused from different ip to pasv listening socket when "block server to server transfer" is enabled.
i : Webhancer "spyware" (webhdll.dll) may cause problem with the server (100% CPU and slowing the computer), uninstalling Webhancer fixes the problem.
(see http://cexx.org/webhancer.htm and http://www.lavasoft.de/aaw/index.html for details on removing it)
Version 2.10 BulletProof FTP Server - 03-April-2001
* : Disabled rules in file list to provide year & time instead of year when file is < 1 year old and current date (day & month) < date of file. Some clients are not yet able to support it.
* : Replace auto update checked by link on website in main menu.
* : Server Name is not displayed in the banner message when a name is set in config.
Version 2.00 - 05-February-2001
x : Problem with mapped network drives : can't change directory when not using relative path, permission denied to create directory.
x : Autoupdate would crash G6 if firewall blocked request to check for update.
x : 'List index out of bound' error in Server Activity window.
x : %DFREEx not working correctly.
x : Open dialog was not creating file after prompting to create it (for message file selection).
+ : Confirmation message when clicking on 'Close Server' button.
+ : 'Explore' menu in Access Right context menu.
+ : Passive port range to use can be defined in Multi ip settings.
+ : Event : OnUserAndPass : after user provides login & password, but before OnUserLoggedIn (even if authentication failed).
+ : %CLIENTIP_000 : returns formated ip like (for use with filename and sorting).
+ : %DATE_EX_DMY, _YMD, _MDY returns formatted date : 2000-11-30 for example (D=day, M=month, Y=year)
+ : Drag & Drop shortcut on dir access rights will add target directory to the list.
+ : Hint persistance problem in Server Activity file lists.
+ : Taskbar title shows connected users & general speed, like trayicon hint.
+ : Event : OnFileUploadFailed : this event is fired if the upload has been aborted or has failed.
+ : Event : OnEvery05mins.
+ : Menu "Create shortcut in home directory" for access list in accounts.
* : AutoCheck for update is disabled by default after install.
* : 'Check for G6 Ftp Server Update' menu now points to 'http://www.gene6.com/g6ftpd/'
* : Hitometer : meters are now enabled by default, were disabled in RC1.
* : SITE WHO (%SITEWHO) : speed displayed in Kbytes/s (was bytes/s).
* : Idle timer broken if blank message in OnUserTimeOut event.
* : Error code message removed after "Account disabled" message when logging.
* : Enlarged events manager windows & added hints.
* : Max. Speed changes applied immediately.
* : Passwords are hidden in interface when using encrypted password.
* : Changed STAT message.
* : 29/02 date & leap year problem causing empty directory.
* : Access violation could raise with some impersonal like OnServerStarted, not user dependant.
Version 2.00 RC1 - 25-Sept-2000
x : MDTM command.
x : SITE ZONE reenabled.
x : File access mode for download is no more exclusive (allow rename/deletion).
x : compatibility with FTP Client when using plain path (Relative path disabled).
x : Home ip list cleared when deleting user.
x : OnUserTimeOut not saved correctly.
+ : Asymetric bandwidth regulation (upload & download speed can be set up separatly for user & group).
+ : General Tags : %XDOWNALL, %XUPALL (X = B, KB, MB, GB) reports overall download, upload for current logged user.
+ : SITE WHO : output syntax is reported, user current action is now reported.
+ : Events Tags :
%TIME_EX, %DATE_EX reports date & time with no ':/' (can be used for filename).
%CLIENTGROUP : reports user group.
%FILEDIR : return file directory without '\' at the end.
%WELCOMEIP : takes welcome_xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.txt (xxx for ip number) and outputs the content to the user. (useful for creating custom headers for virtual servers).
%DFREExKB, %DFREExMB, %DFREExGB (x=drive letter) to display disk space available on x drive.
%SITEWHO : lists online users like in SITE WHO command.
+ : Autocheck Option for new version of G6 Ftp Server (Visual, Misc tab).
Nothing is sent to webserver, G6 check for changes in : http://www.gene6.com/files/g6ftpversion.txt
+ : "Delete to recycle bin" option in "visual, misc". This sends file to Recycle bin instead of normal delete.
+ : "Mail Technical Support" menu in help section.
+ : Passive Mode IP when behind a firewall in 'server setup/multi ip settings'.
+ : Creating an empty file named "reload" in G6 directory makes G6 reload accounts.
+ : Total uptime is reported in statistics windows.
%SERVERTOTUPTIME general tags.
+ : Events manager : Default event message is displayed next to "Reply with message".
+ : "Copy IP to clipboard" in server activity window.
+ : "Copy to clipboard" Status in account window.
+ : User speed reported on tooltip.
* : SITE PSWD : parameters can be enclosed by quotes '"' to allow passwords containing spaces.
Syntax : SITE PSWD "<old password>" "<new Password>"
* : Ban IP filters.
* : Hitometer list management, Uploaded files list is now saved to disk too.
Server Activity list enhanced.
* : PASV mode port is randomized to make ftp port hijacking harder.
* : Increase Top Stat report to 50 users (was 25 before).
* : Tooltip on Server Activity List.
* : Some interface enhancements & problems fixed.
* : Registration keys have been changed, registered users should have received their new key by email.
G6 FTP Server is no more limited to 5 download / 5 uploads per session, software is fully functional for 30 days.
Version 2.00 Beta 7 - 30-Mar-2000
x Fixed : OnFileDeleted event : %FILExxx returning empty string.
x Fixed : TYPE & PORT command problem with invalid parameter.
x Fixed : CWD command answer for non existing directory.
x Fixed : Number of files downloaded in status.
x Fixed : List command with directory containing space.
x Fixed : Trayicon problem under ListeStep (thanks to Joachim Calvert)
x Fixed : Group : enable account option not working when unchecked.
x Fixed : Stat Generator : %ALLTOTALXXUL and %ALLTOTALXXDL not working
x Fixed : Multi Homed IP problem, server was using different ip for data than the one it should use.
x Fixed : Renaming file with same name causing file deletion.
x Fixed : Account : Banned ip window not created as modal.
x Fixed : Error code is now 421 instead of 550 for "too many users logged under current account" message.
x Fixed : Rename now checks if destination filename is banned.
+ Added : NT Service : Unwanted shutdown after user logout :
Add switch "-service" on command line to notify G6 that it is running as a service.
+ Added : Speed Limit for users and groups (see "Ratio, Quota, Bps" tab in accounts setup).
+ Added : %USPEEDLIMIT (returns speed limit for user), %UHOSTNAME (return hotname of user).
+ Added : Link : Windows ShortCut (.lnk) can be used to define links/virtual directories (must also give directory access)
+ Added : Link : You can now automatically add a link pointing to home directory to directory list.
+ Added : Server Activity : User not logged in are visible in server activity : User Name is his IP, considered as anonymous,
no home directory.
+ Added : Registered User can know specify a server name (welcome user : Server Name by G6 FTP Server v2.0 (beta3) ready ...).
+ Added : Switch to enabled viewing of connected but not logged in users.
+ Added : IP Access check for User and Group account.
+ Added : Log customizations (Color, Tags for custom log)
+ Added : notice to unregistered user.
+ Added : Transfer Stat when Aborted/Finished Upload/Download written to log (screen/file).
* Improved : Screen Log : "finished to download" replaced by "aborted transfer of" in case of transfer abort.
* Improved : Ask to create file for link, dir message, login message file if not existing (group account)
* Improved : Entry method for max user & time out.
* Improved : Main Setup window.
* Improved : Account window : can't click on read/write/... if no directory selected.
* Improved : Acces IP List now accepts HostName.
* Improved : "New Dir" window for group/user Account.
* Improved : Can't login reply message.
- Removed : links can not link to drive different from root if in relative path mode and links treated as link.
(Problematic since the beginning, still available through Virtual Directory).
* Many Internal changes => less memory needed for each connected user.
* Path processor Rewritten (faster, more secure).
* Optimization & Code cleaining.
Version 2.00 Beta 2 - 07-April-1999
x Fixed : Internal : File Date problem when date but not time.
x Fixed : Log File : Carriage return before Ratio status report.
x Fixed : Group Ratio : Client connected (with a group) now have their ratio changed when administrator changed quotas in group
account (credit/quota are not reseted to group default though).
x Fixed : Alphabetical sort (for ftp via browser) and for internal file list sort (hitometer ...).
x Fixed : "To Tray" 's hint now disappears immediately after click.
x Fixed : "To Tray" 's hint was no more visible if it was already clicked.
x Fixed : Ctrl+Enter not allowed anymore in user address & notes.
x Fixed : Events Manager : %FILENAME, %FILEPATH, %FILEEXT, %FILESIZE were interpreted after %FILE causing %FILEXXXX to be replaced by value of "%FILE"XXXX.
x Fixed : Some Typographic errors.
x Fixed : Window : if quit with window maximized, then next time server start maximized.
x Fixed : File : Change dir, login, links message files were not correctly processed when admin only specified a filename with no path (if a filename is specified as links file then server will search in current client directory (or future directory).
x Fixed : confusion about KB, Kb, bytes, Mo, Ko (most of values were not divided by 1024 but 1000).
x Fixed : Quota Status was not reported after successfull upload or download.
x Fixed : Little problem with Home (~) link.
x Fixed : Statistics : Some values were wrong (twice as normal).
x Fixed : Shortcut : Some Accel Char problems.
x Fixed : Minor bugs for screen log.
+ Added : Window : Wait until current user logout when user stops the server & switch server to "Closed" Mode.
+ Added : Log : IP list to log/not log, only/don't log to screen / only/don't log to file/both.
+ Added : Events Manager : OnDirCreated : %DIRCREATED = Name of new directory, %DIRTARGET = Name of parent directory, %DIR = Full path to new directory.
+ Added : Events Manager & Log : Executed action via Events Manager are logged via server answers.
+ Added : Scroll Lock Led blinks when a message is received (SITE MSG).
+ Added : .. button now opens select dialog in last selected file directory.
+ Added : SITE PSWD command : SITE PSWD <old pass> <new pass>.
* Updated : Quota Status for client : now report bytes if < 9999 and Kb above.
* Updated : Log File can be set to daily/weekly/monthly/yearly/single (one file for all log).
* Updated : Statistics : "Running since" format is now XXdXX:XX:XX, more readable.
* Updated : Registered user : "220 G6 FTP Server vx.xx (beta X) ready ..." instead of "220 G6 FTP Server vx.xx (beta X) - (Registered Version) - http://gene6.idegrif.com"
* Updated : Links are listed with files (browser).
- Removed : Spyform : "Show more informations" menu, as all informations are shown in server activity.
- Removed : One use per windows Session is removed, was preventing people to fully evaluate G6 FTP Server, (Try out is now 1 hour then you need to restart the server, no need to reboot :) ), limitation to 5 uploads & 5 downloads is kept.
* Code cleaning.
Version 2.00 Beta 1
* Added : toolbar to make the use of G6 Ftp Server easier.
* Added : icons to be nicer.
* Added : Option to run others applications when G6 Ftp Server starts.
* Added : a Protection option to prevent users from accessing your Ftp Server directory.
* Added : '~' as links to return to home directory.
* Added : 'Disable Log to screen when minimized' option.
* Added : Server Priority Settings.
* Added : Receive Buffer Length Setting Option.
* Added : Server Mode (Upload only, Download only, Both).
* Added : the directory pointed by the link in the list ('Temp -> c:\temp').
* Added : Ratio.
* Added : Quota.
* Added : Relative Path.
* Added : Clients now receive a message when they are kicked from the server an when the server shutdowns.
* Fixed : some major bugs.
* Fixed : Bug when a zero byte file was uploaded (It was not created).
* Fixed : Quit Message bug : It was when a linux client disconnected from the server.
* Fixed : Max Lines for the screen log.
* Fixed : Always On Top option.
* Fixed : Replace file on STOR.
* Fixed : 'APPE' command with 'Delete files on STOR' option.
* Fixed : 'Edit User name' dialogbox.
* Fixed : %LocalIP for Messages.
* Fixed : bug with web browser : '\' now returns the user home directory.
* Fixed : bug when clients specified a new path with the drive letter in Lower Case.
* Fixed : 100% Fixed Bug 'Erreur de vΘrification d'Θtendu' for users Account.
* Fixed : long Url Support (more than 255 characters).
* Fixed : stupid wait in command 'SIZE'.
* Fixed : When the user home directory does not exist, user can't login.
* Removed : 'Delete files on stor' (now, always true).
* Updated : 'About' dialogbox.
* Updated : port in command line to '-p:' + port.
* Updated : Tip of the Day dialogbox now appears when the app is initialized.
* Updated : give you more informations on your PC.
* Updated : 'LIST' command will answer a sorted list.
* Updated : you can sort users by columns in the users infos.
* Updated : if Login Message file and Change Dir Message File have no path : current user directory will be the file path.
* Updated : links are not shown if client is in the directory pointed by the link.
* Updated : links which refers to non-shared directory are not shown.
* Updated : if relative path is on then links will be sent without the pointed directory.( 'upload ->' instead of 'upload -> c:\upload', bulletproof shows them) to preserve hiding directory structure.
* Updated : shared directory/drive can be accessed typing ftp://<login>:<pass>@<ip>:<port>/<drive>/<path> (for browser)
* Updated : Command 'SIZE' now returns 0 if parameter is a directory.
* Updated : message reply send to client are more RFC959 compliant.
* Updated : command 'MKD' now accept multiple directories ( 'MKD /goodies/upload' will create the whole path in the current directory even if "goodies" does not exist).
* ... + many other things
Version 1.38 Released 12 December 1998
* Added Possibility to drag and drop files or dirs from the explorer to add in the free files/dirs list.
* 50% Fixed Bug 'Erreur de vΘrification d'Θtendu' : It was when you add a new user which was added at the top of the list.
* Fixed some minor bugs.
* Fixed refresh all in users infos.
Version 1.37 Released 21 November 1998
* Added Show Grid for Users Infos.
* Added Max Users type.
* Added Change Directory Message File.
* Fixed some minor bugs.
* Fixed max lines for SpyForm.
* Fixed bug when a client does a download/change dir in a macro.
* Removed two thread.
* Removed Freeze list in users infos.
* Users not logged are now kicked after 150 sec of inactivity.
Version 1.36 Released 18 November 1998
* Added Version.txt file.
* Added 'XMKD' Command.
* Added %LOCALHOST for Messages.
* Added Quit Message.
* Added Logging button to activate/stop writting to the log file.
* Fixed Users Account bug.
* Fixed Spy User Window.
* Fixed Free files list.
* Fixed List Access (normaly).
* Fixed +Subdirs Access (normaly).
* Fixed Max lines option.
* Fixed Bug when you right click on a user which disconnect and then you choose a command.